
Toyota Material Handling US customer replaces lithium battery forklift project for fleet

Author:BSLBATT    Publish Time: 2023-08-30

Delivery Day

The California facility of a loyal customer of Toyota Material Handling America recently required a fleet replacement. However, they expressed their desire to move away from lead-acid forklift batteries. In fact, they were not just transitioning to lithium battery power, but were taking a complete leap from lead acid to lithium! To meet their requirements, we successfully delivered the first batch of 13 lithium batteries for forklift trucks, which weighed a total of 24.5 tons. To ensure that the customer's team could make the most of their new electric forklifts and optimize battery performance and lifespan, our dedicated BSLBATT USA team from Dallas, Texas, traveled to California to provide comprehensive training on best practices. Given the significant investment made by the customer, it is our responsibility as experts and their trusted BSLBATT USA team to equip their teams with the necessary knowledge and skills to maximize performance, enhance productivity, reduce costs, boost business profitability, and ultimately validate their investments. The customer's team has shown great enthusiasm and acceptance towards the new unit, which is a testament to our success in meeting their needs.

The customer's decision to transition from lead-acid to lithium batteries marks a significant shift in their operations. By opting for lithium battery power, they are embracing a more advanced and efficient technology. We are proud to have been able to fulfill their requirements by delivering the first batch of 13 lithium batteries for their forklift trucks, which weighed a substantial 24.5 tons. To ensure a seamless transition and to empower the customer's team with the necessary knowledge, our dedicated BSLBATT USA team traveled all the way from Dallas, Texas, to California. During their visit, they conducted comprehensive training sessions on best practices for the new electric forklifts, focusing on maximizing battery performance and extending battery life. As experts in the field, it is our duty to ensure that the customer's investment is well-utilized. By equipping their teams with the right education, we aim to help them achieve optimal performance, increased productivity, reduced costs, enhanced business profitability, and ultimately validate their decision to invest in our products. The customer's team has shown great enthusiasm and excitement towards the new unit, which is a testament to the success of our efforts.

The successful delivery of the first batch of 13 lithium batteries for forklift trucks weighing 24.5 tons to our long-standing customer in California marks a significant milestone. This customer, who has been loyal to Toyota Material Handling America, expressed their desire to move away from.

Toyota Material Handling America customer

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