
3 phase off grid solar system installed in SouthAfrica

Author:BSLBATT    Publish Time: 2023-08-30

3 phase off grid solar system  installed in #SouthAfrica

Installed by the highly skilled team at Kransberg Engineering, a cutting-edge three-phase off-grid solar system has been successfully implemented in South Africa. This sophisticated system boasts a remarkable 40 kWh battery capacity, effectively addressing the prevalent issue of frequent power outages in the region. With its unwavering commitment to providing uninterrupted power supply, this solar system offers a stable and sustainable energy solution for both emergency loads and high-power appliances.

At the heart of this three-phase system are three Victron Quattro 10 kW inverters, renowned for their exceptional performance and reliability. These inverters seamlessly convert the DC power generated by the 27 Trina Solar Panels into AC power, ensuring a consistent and efficient energy supply. The 575 Trina Solar Panels, known for their superior quality and durability, harness the abundant sunlight in South Africa to generate clean and renewable energy.

To optimize the energy conversion process, three MPPT 250/85 charge controllers have been integrated into the system. These advanced controllers efficiently regulate the charging of the batteries, maximizing the overall energy output. Additionally, eight BSL PowerLine-5 batteries have been strategically incorporated into the system, further enhancing its capacity to store and deliver power when needed.

With this state-of-the-art solar system in place, South Africa can now rely on a robust and dependable energy solution. The combination of the Victron Quattro inverters, Trina Solar Panels, MPPT charge controllers, and BSL PowerLine batteries ensures a seamless and uninterrupted power supply, even during extended periods of power outages. By harnessing the abundant solar energy available in the region, this system not only addresses the immediate problem of power interruptions but also contributes to a greener and more sustainable future for South Africa.

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